Missing any parts? Drop our customer service team an email. The numbers in the list above correlate with the numbers in both the images below to help you with assembly. Use the links above and the image below to identify any parts you are unfamiliar with. Resistors: 330 Ohm 1/6W - Orange, Orange, Brown X2Ģ40 Ohm Resistor 1/6W - Red, Yellow, Brown X1 Voltage Regulator (LM317 1.5A max current).Multimeter (optional - for quick test after assembly).Solder wick (optional - in case of mistakes).Following is a list of recommended tools and assembly parts: You will need a few tools to be able to do this. This kit comes as a bag of parts and requires assembly with the use of a soldering iron and requires you to solder all the parts onto the printed circuit board yourself. This guide will help with everything you need to get started with the Breadboard Power Supply. Any stripped +/- DC supply can also be connected instead of the barrel connector if desired. It receives its power through a DC wall wart like this one.
The Breadboard Power Supply Kit allows your breadboard projects to easily access a selectable voltage regulated to either 3.3Volts or 5Volts. Breadboard Power Supply Kit 5V/3.3V Quickstart Guide